Innovate Green: STEM Paths to a Sustainable World

STEMFest '24

Kwara State Government Banquet Hall, Ilorin, NG

Kwara State Government Banquet Hall, Ilorin, NG.

17thOctober, 2024

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The Biggest STEM Festival in Kwara

The Kwara STEM Fun Festival stands as Ilorin’s largest celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This grand event is set to ignite creative confidence, critical thinking, and collaboration skills essential for the 21st-century economy.

With the theme ‘Innovate Green: STEM Paths to a Sustainable World,’ the Festival aspires to inspire a love for STEM among children and inform teachers and parents about STEM opportunities and environmental impact.

October 17, 2024

Kwara STEMFest

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Just Concluded Event Highlights

This year’s event saw inspiring keynote speakers who provided valuable insights on cutting-edge trends. Participants engaged in interactive workshops, covering a wide range of topics, and gained hands-on experience.


STEM Exhibitors showcased cutting-edge technologies and hands-on activities for students to explore.


Students attended, gaining direct exposure to STEM concepts and career paths.


teachers participated, taking valuable insights back to their classrooms.


Oratory Contest for Secondary School Students:

Is STEM the Key to Solving Nigeria's Waste Management Problems?

The STEMFest will be divided into 5 main sections:
8:00 – 10:00 am
STEM Exhibitors:

There will be over 40+ STEM exhibitors’ booth for the students to visit for hands-on STEM learning.

10:00 – 11:30 am
Master Classes:

The students will learn from experts about technology, science, sports, career paths and skills required for the future.

11:30 – 12:30 pm
Fun and Games:

They will also take part in STEM quiz during the fun fest booth and also have fun gaming at the eSports zone to be stationed at the venue of the programme.

12:30 – 1:30 pm

The students will also be engaged on hands-on classes on Robotics, Design, Coding, and Engineering etc. in the STEM Lab.

1:30 – 3:00 pm

Students will come up with basic solutions that can help solve community problems through the knowledge they have acquired, and the best 10 teams with the most novel solutions will be recognised and awarded prizes.


Kwara State Government Banquet Hall

Our Missions, Goals and Objectives

"Celebrating local science and how STEM shapes our world."

The STEM Funfest will celebrate the inherent integration of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in our lives today, and also explore the impacts they have on our communities, and inspire students, teachers and other participants to wonder about our future. Our mission is to engage the public in a celebration of our local science community, and the ways science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) can help us to better understand and improve our world.

Foster Connections
- Engage the public with all aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
- Strengthen connections between the sciences and environment
- Provide opportunities for interactions between STEM professionals and the public
Build a Curious Community
- Inspire and Generate interest in, understanding of, and public discourse on STEM among students, youth and adults.
- Celebrate and inspire curiosity in STEM in children
- Expand our community of science enthusiasts across age, race, gender, income, and geography.
- Carry science programming into neighbourhoods across Kwara state that is unique to the needs of each community
Highlight Kwara State
- Highlight Kwara state as a national leader in innovation and environment, thereby creating a greater public awareness of the science & technology industry and educational assets in our region
- Support pathways for educational advancement in STEM from cradle to career

1. To give children opportunities to explore STEM with the hope of inspiring the future generations.
2. To create awareness among the school children about the environment and its unlimited potential; and ways of tapping into and developing their brainpower.
3. To introduce and to promote various techniques and skills pertaining to the improvement of STEM among children, such as memory skill, digital skills, thinking skill, enhancing the right brain, speed reading, creativity, etc.
4. To enhance school students’ interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and prepare them to be problem solvers.
5. To enhance the awareness of the public on the roles and importance of STEM in socio-economic wellbeing and sustainable development of our society.


Kwara State Government Banquet Hall

Why Support KWARA STEMFest?

Your support will help build an equitable society of STEM lovers

Benefits of Sponsorship include:

- Opportunity to contribute to the STEM Funfest mission and help children in Kwara state to Imagine, Discover, and Explore.

- Listing on the event website, promotional materials, social media, and program. STEM Funfest will receive significant social media attention and press coverage. Our sponsors have the opportunity to share in that coverage.

- Signed Letter of Appreciation, suitable for framing, from our organization. Additionally, after the event, we will provide a gallery of photos and videos that will include your booth. This gallery is a great way to share the event with your community.

- Positive exposure of your mission, brand, product, or service to hundreds of qualified local residents with a demonstrated interest.

- Booth sponsors are welcome to use the booth as an opportunity to promote their mission, brand, services, and products, as long as such promotion complement the educational nature of the event.

Sponsorship categories

Your support will help build an equitable society of STEM lovers

Platinum sponsor
Gold sponsor
Silver sponsor
Copper sponsor

Fuel the future of STEM today!

"Your support can transform young minds. With a donation, you’ll help us bring STEM education to thousands of students, inspiring innovation and creativity. Every contribution builds a future of leaders and problem-solvers. Join us in making a lasting impact on the next generation. Donate today and be part of the change!"

Account Number: 0038800235

Account Name: Webfala Digital Skills for all Initiative Bank Name: StanbicIBTC
